Where is Albania

Where is Albania located? What continent is Albania on? Where is Albania? What continent is it on? Where Albania is located? Many people ask us these questions. Albania has a 28,748 km² area and is located on the Balkan Peninsula and the Balkan Peninsula is part of the European continent. Albania is actually a very beautiful […]

24 hours in Durres

While in Albania you should absolutely spend 24 hours in the ancient town of Durres. In this article you will find information on how to spend a day in Durres. Moreover, Durres is the second-largest town in Albania after the capital of Albania. Meanwhile, it’s the first port of the country. Located on the Adriatic […]

Albania 2 Week Itinerary

Hello readers, summer is approaching, and everybody is rushing to book their vacations. However, we as Sondor Travel are always ahead of time in helping you choose what’s best for you. Summertime means 2 weeks Itinerary in the vacation language, moreover in Albania. Below, we have made a list of Albania 2 week itinerary for […]